Fast approaching deadline for IMO revised G8 limits Shipowners’ options for selection of BWTS

Delay in a selection of Ballast Water Treatment Systems (BWTS) reduces available options. The deadline for BWTS to comply with IMO revised G8 type approval guidelines is rapidly approaching. A revised G8 certificate is required for any system that will be installed on or after 28 October 2020.

Albion Marine advises our clients at this time to concentrate their selection efforts on systems, which already approved under IMO revised G8 type approval guidelines.With six months to go and slow down in the global production of BWTS, options are becoming more and more limited. Many factors will affect the selection: CAPEX, system operational limitations, power requirements, footprint, maintainability, customer support, and of course, OPEX. The OPEX will significantly depend on the vessel’s operational profile and vessel type. The graph below depict a projected cost expenditure for a specific vessel. Please contact Albion Marine if you need a quick and reliable commercial and technical feasibility study for the selection of BWTS for your vessel.